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Landlord Gas Safety Certificates

At York Heating Services, we understand the importance of gas safety in rented properties. As a landlord, you have a legal responsibility to ensure all gas appliances are safe and functioning correctly, and that's where our Landlord Gas Safety Certificates come in. We work with landlords to help look after their rented properties, holiday lets and Airbnbs. To find out more, contact us at 07878111999 or by filling in our online contact form.

gas certs

Landlord Gas Safety Checks

What's included in our services:

  • Visual inspection of all gas appliances and flues
  • Gas pressure tests to ensure efficient and safe operation
  • Flue testing to check for harmful emissions like carbon monoxide
  • Appliance performance tests to assess functionality and safety features
  • Safety device checks including gas controls and interlocks
  • Completion of a comprehensive Landlord Gas Safety Record (LGSR) with detailed results
  • Advice on any necessary repairs or maintenance to ensure continued safety and efficiency

We offer discounts on the servicing of multiple appliances - contact us to obtain a free, no-obligation quote!

Why landlord gas safety checks are important

All gas appliances have the potential to be dangerous if not maintained and checked regularly by qualified gas experts. Faulty gas appliances have the potential to cause gas leaks which could lead to gas fires and explosions - causing a danger to people residing in or around your property. Gas fires are preventable by making sure that your property is kept safe with regular checks.

A gas safety check is carried out on all gas appliances in the property that are owned by the landlord. Landlords have a duty of care to their tenants to provide a safe environment for living as well as make sure that gas appliances are safe. These mandatory checks last for 1 year and will also need to be obtained whenever there is a change of tenant to make sure that appliances are kept safe and functioning for new tenants.

Are you a landlord in York?

If you are a landlord or simply a homeowner who wants some peace of mind by getting your gas appliances properly inspected by a Gas Safe registered engineer, then get in touch with York Heating Services by calling 07878111999 or by filling in our online contact form and we'll be more than happy to help!

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